Thursday, March 24, 2011

Italy Island - Sicily

Italy Island - Sicily
The peninsulas of Italy consist of Isola d'Elba, Isola di Sant'Antioco, Sardinia, Pantelleria and Sicily. This is the biggest island in the Mediterranean with the capital city being Palermo. To the north is the Tyrrhenian Sea, to the south-west is Africa and to the east is the Ionian Sea towards the Strait of Messina.
The climate of Sicily is Mediterranean, with warm summers and mild winters. On the south-western coast, the climate is influenced mainly by the North African winds resulting in torrid summers. Generally the Sicilian summer is warm with little or no rain but well ventilated.
However, on the elevated parts of the island, mainly Etna, Nebrodi and Madonie, the snow falls abundantly during winter.
Making decisions as to where to go within the region can be a bit challenging because one could spend a lot of time sorting between the beautiful beaches and historic and archeological options.

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