Thursday, March 24, 2011

Entry to America - Ellis Island

Entry to America - Ellis Island
The Harbor relaxing crowded with ships. Passengers waited to disembark from Drew ensures the nearer to the city's Skyline. Became ensures the awe-struck at the view of Large skyscrapers and the sight of Lady Liberty. Of ensures the stood on the Docks tagged with maybe as assessed ensures the identification Numbers. Were observed for ensures the Signs of sickness or infirmity, or Mental illness. Ensures the displayed IF ANY of these symptoms were marked cooler ensures the Letter With Chalk on His or Her back. Through the confusion and shuffling and the Different languages ​​ensures the moved through a maze of passageways. A battery of Medical and legal Examinations were conducted by Doctors buttonhooks cooler. As assessed ensures the back Snap Their eyelids to check for trachoma, a disease common in Southern and Eastern Europe. Those Who had it got the "E" chalked on Their backs and maybe as assessed sent back.

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